Advice, treatment and cleaning products for tommettes and terracotta tiles

Advice for cleaning and finishing with products for tomettes and terracotta tiles

Scrub DTC - neutralized acid


After the tiles have been layed it eliminates clouding and the milky apearance from the adhesive and any overflow from the grouting.

Equipment needed : a long handled scrubbing brush or a monobrush and a vacuum cleaner for water

Go to Scrub for terracotta

Clear sealant BTC - water repellant


Design specially for in depth protection of your terracotta tiles from everyday stains. Contains no solvent nor silicone ans as it is mircroporous it allows your tiles to breathe.

Equipment needed : a wide paint brush or a pulveriser

Go to Sealant for terracotta

  • Otherwise using the old-fashioned method, mix 50% linseed oil with 50% turpentine. This method highlights the different tones of your tomettes.

Equipment required : a wide paint brush



This clear, natural product adds to the protection of your tiles from water. As years go by it will nourish your tomettes and bring our their natural tones. It also adds a sheen making the tiles easier to keep clean.

Equiment needed : a polisher or monobrush

Go to Wax for tomettes and terracotta

Linseed oil liquid soap


A soft natural cleaner to be diluted. For daily cleaning and nourishment of your tomettes while adding to their protection. Does not alter the appearance of the terracotta.

Equipment needed : a bucket and floorcloth

Go to Linseed oil liquid soap for terracotta

Special scour for renovation of terracotta tiles


It will eliminate previous wax and thoroughly clean the surface of porous terracotta tiles both indoors and outdoors. After this treatment the tiles should be waxed again.

Equipment needed : a long handled scrubbing brush or a monobrush and a vacuum cleaner for water.

Go to Scrub for terracotta

produit de traitement tomette